Every year, for 25 years now, adventurous ladies have participated.
in the Las Caballeras Ladies Ride on beautiful Catalina Island.
On our first ride in 1995, there were only 26 riders. We now average 40-50 riders! Riders come from all walks of life, from California, the Northwest, Midwest, Arizona, Texas and points back East. Some ladies have been Cowgirling on this “bucket list” ride since 1995! We all look forward to sharing the Ride experience with new First Year Guests (FYGs).

Las Caballeras is a group of horsewomen that gather together every fall or spring for a 6-day vacation with their horses on beautiful Catalina Island.  CHECK OUT OUR AMAZING NEW VIDEO  https://vimeo.com/283866266



Enjoy what we do as members!


The Mission of the Catalina Island Conservancy is to be a responsible steward of its lands through a balance of conversation, education, and recreation. Caring for 88 percent of Catalina with it's 42,000 acres of sweeeping valleys, oak-covered plateaus and 50 miles of rugged coastline, the Conservancy is responsible for protecting numerous rare and endagered species found on the Island and nowhere else in the world. The Conservancy's educational and recreational programs each year touch tens thousands of visitors and welcome them into the Islands's interior to experience and more deeply understand and appreciate it's natural wonder and beauty. The Conservancy invites all participants in recreatioanl events to join its efforts to protect and restore Catalina's wildlands for today, and for future generations to enjoy.

Ladies have the option of bringing their own horse or renting
from our Ride Manager. Stallions are not permitted. Intermediate riding skills are required as the Catalina trails can be either dirt 4x4 roads or steep game trails, so this ride is not a good fit for a beginner rider. Private horses should
be fit, tie on a picket line and behave with other horses. If your horse has never been on a picket line, the wranglers will take care to make sure they are safe and comfortable. 

The Ride is organized on the mainland at Ernie Howlett Park
in Rolling Hills Estates where ladies drop off horses and gear with the Ride Wranglers. The Ride Veterinarian greets all incoming horses and collects health records. Wranglers supervise the horses overnight, load them up
the next morning, and drive them to a chartered barge for their channel crossing to Catalina Island. The barge trip to The Wrigley Institute for Environment and Sustainability, at the Isthmus on Catalina Island takes approximately four hours. Barge trips are scheduled during calm seas.
When the barge arrives, horse vans and equipment are driven to Little Harbor where wranglers put the horses on picket lines and unload all the gear. The horses are fed and watered and settle in where they are cared
for by our wranglers and ride veterinarian. 

Meanwhile, riders board the Catalina Express in San Pedro
where they sail to Two Harbors. Participants’ vehicles and trailers may
be left at the staging area until return. There is parking for cars/trucks
(no trailers) at Catalina Express. Once on the island, they enjoy a bite at Doug's Harbor Reef Restaurant and sip "Buffalo Milks" while waiting for
their horses. The girls then board vans bound for Little Harbor to set up camp, settling into their tents in a big grass area on the beach surrounded by palm trees.  There, we re-kindle old friendships and meet the new FYGs (First Year Guests). Once settled in camp that evening, the girls enjoy hot showers, cocktails, appetizers, a welcome address by our Ride President, and a delicious catered meal to top off the evening.

Evenings around the campfire

Breathtaking views of
the ocean

Trail rides with beautiful ocean views

Daily small group half- and full-day rides



Camp with palm trees and an ocean view

An experience you'll never forget



Ladies bring their own tents or tent rentals are available.
An amazing caterer provides three yummy meals per day, served in a covered area for dining and socializing. Amenities include a charging station, campfire seating, hot showers, clean porta-potties and a beauty bar with hairdryers! The Ride Veterinarian is present in camp to look after the horses for the entire week. Emergency/paramedic service is available for cowgirls, should it be needed.

The following morning, ladies saddle up and ride out! Riders are given several choices based on the physical condition of their horse and the rider’s preference. Signing up in small group that go out daily (half day or full day) to a variety of locations- canyons, valleys, overlooks, beaches, landmarks, Airport in the Sky, and local ranches. Rides vary from two hours to an all-day ride by way of Catalina's "Airport in the Sky," where riders stop to shop, rest, and share buffalo burgers before heading back to base camp. Trail maps are provided and there is always a “trail boss” who knows the way! 

A favorite ride is Cottonwood Canyon: About an hour's ride from
base camp. Riders ascend the hills out of Little Harbor where they have
an impressive view of the ocean and the back side of the island. 
The ride into Cottonwood usually passes herds of bison, winds through towering eucalyptus trees, and descends into the willows of the riverbed, finally ending up under the oaks, sycamores, and cottonwood trees that    surround the old Bosque del picnic area.

Advanced Ride: In 2003, Blackjack Camp was added to the ride itinerary. At an elevation of almost 2000 ft., Blackjack Mountain is one of the highest  points on the island. The campground is located 300 ft. below the summit, surrounded by pine trees. An option for riders who like to sleep under the stars, no cots or tents here!

The following days are filled with loads of fun: There are multiple    trail rides, relaxing on the beach, with or without your horse, swimming, sunbathing, and beachcombing. There are opportunities to do unique on-island shopping. Cowgirls do one entire group ride to a special lunch stop. You will most likely see Catalina Island foxes and bald eagles,  as well as bison roaming free. Plan on taking LOTS of photos! The sunset views over the ocean are epic!

Enjoy a massage, (yes, cowgirls are princesses too), drinks at the Cowgirl Bar, table games, songs around the campfire, great food, a talent show, silent auction, hiking, and plenty of relaxing! Ladies on this special ride come from all walks of life and quickly become friends with their love
of horses, riding, and Catalina Island. Lasting friendships are made through shared experiences, laughter, and camaraderie.

Heading Home…

At the end of either short or long ride, cowgirls pack up their tack and horse equipment, and leave it at the picket line to be loaded. All horses remain until the end of the Ride, so if you are on the Short Ride, bid “Adios” to  your steed who will stay at Little Harbor to be cared for by the wranglers and ride vet. You will meet your private horse back at Ernie Howlett Park  the day after the Long Ride ends. Cowgirls also gather their tents, cots, and luggage in the middle of camp to be loaded up. Short Riders are transported by bus to Two Harbors and board the morning Catalina Express to San Pedro to head home. Full Riders head back to Two Harbors to board the afternoon Catalina Express to San Pedro. Everyone picks up their horses and gear at our staging area the day after the Full Ride ends. (Cowgirls renting a horse  can take their camp gear home on the Catalina Express.)

Email: Lascaballeras@gmail.com You will receive a reply soon!

The 2024 Ride Date!


September 26          Staging of horses and gear


Sept. 27 – Oct. 1     Short Ride (rental horses available/private horses stay till Oct.4)


Sept. 27 – Oct. 3.     Full Ride (rental horses available for full ride)


Oct. 4                       Private / Rental horses and gear return to Staging area for afternoon pickup


Catalina Ride Cost:  This Ride involves a Channel crossing (barge and ferry)

for people, horses, all gear, supplies, hay, and food, a private oceanfront campsite, ride manager, wranglers, ride vet, catering, and camp showers, amenities, and equipment. 


Rental horses are $1000 for the week. Certain rental horses may be shared between two ladies but can only go out on one trail ride per day.


It is expensive to transport this large group “26 Miles Across the Sea”!


The 2023 Ride Cost for a First Time Guest Full Ride was $2350 (Full Ride).


The 2024 Ride Cost for a First Time Guest Full Ride was $2350 (Full Ride).


If you are interested in joining us in 2024, please send an email with information about you, where you live, your riding history and experience, and if you are seriously interested in a spot on the 2024 Catalina Ride! Lascaballeras@gmail.com

2025 Fall Ride

Location: Catalina Island

Stay Tuned!

New Dates Coming

Airport in the Sky
Small Group Rides

2025 Spring Ride

Location: V6 Ranch

Date: March 27 -30

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We are privileged to be able to enjoy the Catalina ride as guests of the Santa Catalina Island Company and the Catalina Island Conservancy.